Conducting Webinars and on-site training on various topics covering Business Excellence and Organisational Transformation Initiatives, ISO Management Systems and Soft Skills.
The session contents, for all topics, can be customised as per customers’ requirements.
Business Excellence Initiatives:
(Maximising Asset Utilisation and Optimizing Organisational Performance)
1. Lean Concepts
2. Six Sigma (DMAIC)
3. Balanced Score Card
4. Hoshin Kanri X-Matrix
5. TQM (Total Quality Management)
6. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
7. Problem Solving Approaches (8-D Technique, Why-Why Analysis, CPS)
8. VSM (Value Stream Mapping)
9. COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality)
10. TOC (Theory of Constraints)
11. Daily Work Management
12. Pokayoke
13. 7 QC Tools
14. 5S & 3M
15. Work and Time Study
16. Inventory Management
17. SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
18. Losses in an Organisation
19. Concurrent Engineering
20. Flexible Manufacturing Systems
21. Cellular Manufacturing
22. Quality Circles
Organisational Transformational Initiatives:
(Creating Value for the Orgnaisation)
Blue Ocean Strategy:
1. Meaning and Definition
2. Characteristics
3. Preliminary and Executive Principles
4. Action Frame Work (Implementation)
5. Advantages and disadvantages
6. Comparison between Blue Ocean and Red Ocean Strategy
Red Ocean Strategy:
1. Meaning and Definition
2. Characteristics
3. Preliminary and Executive Principles
4. Action Frame Work (Implementation)
5. Advantages and disadvantages
6. Difference between Red Ocean and Blue Ocean Strategy
7. Comparison between Red Ocean and Blue Ocean Strategy
Management Systems: (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and IATF 16949):
(Inculcating Mindset to responsibly address Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety commitments)
1. Internal Auditor Training, Awareness and Implementation Training on QMS, EMS and OHSMS
2. IATF 16949 Awareness and Core Tools (SPC, FMEA, MSA, PPAP, APQP) Training
3. AIA & HIRA (Aspect Impact Analysis & Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment)
4. Energy Management & Energy Audit
5. Energy Saving and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Soft Skills:
(Organisational Cultural Change Initiatives)
1. Leadership Styles
2. Man Management Skills
3. Uncertainty Management
4. MBO (Management By Objectives)
5. MBWA (Management by Wandering Around)
6. Effective Communication
7. Conflict Management
8. Change Management
9. Turn Around Management
10. Stress Management
11. Group Dynamics and Team Building
12. Interpersonal Effectiveness
13. Performance Counseling
14. Role Definition, Role Efficacy & Role Negotiation
15. Anger Management
16. Effective Supervision